I just have to say, the past two weeks have been such a blur but a blast! Working at IRBC (Iowa Regular Baptist Camp) is always, by far, the best part of my summer, but it seems, this year, to be more stress than a blessing. I mean, summer started two weeks ago, this is my first week actually at home, and I'm still constantly on the go! I know I need to be happy and show love rather than being in a "poopy-mood", there's NO WAY I can show God's love if I'm acting all tired, lazy, and annoyed with the world! But what am I supposed to be happy about?! I don't feel happy!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, Rejoice!
For goodness sake. We have the Lord to rejoice in! God sent His One and Only Son to die for me! For you! There's no reason to act like a grumpy poopface! We should be rejoicing and joyful and full of love -spreading God's love to everyone!
Our staff theme at camp this year is Love, and one requirement for all staff was to memorize The Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13) in one week. Our focus was on God's type of love - Agape, not the world's brotherly type of love - Phileo or out of affection love - Eros. God love is about others, but the world's love is focused on self. Our challenge was to show and give love to others without trying to get anything in return, and honestly, it was really hard! It was all I could do to just TRY! And only for one week!
I challenge you with this. Love is not a feeling - Love is action. Show someone you love them; don't just tell them. Give love; don't expect love in return. And lastly, Rejoice!