1 Thessalonians 5:18

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Wonderful Whirlwind of Life

Wow.. How has the past month blown by so incredibly fast? It seems like just yesterday I was looking forward to April.. and now April's already ten days gone!

Last week, I had the opportunity to compete the vocal category of Iowa's Talent's For Christ Scholarship Competition. It was a blast seeing Laura Christensen who I work with at IRBC, and we chatted the whole day :)

To make a wonderful day even more perfect... I ended up taking FIRST PLACE in Female Voice! I am soooo excited to be participating in the Iowa Talent's For Christ Tour this June, and to be rooming with Laura will be an awesome experience! 

As a Talent's For Christ (TFC) State winner, I also have the opportunity to compete at a national level, and this year, TFC Nationals will be held in Florida!! Lord willing, if He provides the funds, I will be able to sing and compete, but I am honored to even be a qualifier. Though it will be a lot of hard work, I am looking forward to the challenge, to spending time with friends, and to making new friends along the way! 

1 comment:

  1. Once again, great job at TFC. I hope you'll be able to make it to the Nationals this year and raise the needed money. I enjoy reading you blog and enjoy every post, especially the ones with food. :)

